Работа в Украине » Работа в Полтаве » Вакансия: Lead . NET Developer

Вакансия: Lead . NET Developer

Полтава, 10:12, пятница, 16.10.2015
Вакансия не актуальна
Зарплата: 72600 грн.
Опыт работы: 4 года
График работы: полный день

Lead . NET Developer


We are searching for a person who can help us run and add capacity to our development team in Tbilisi.
The development team works together with our development teams in Bergen and Gdynia to deliver high quality
software in development of our product the Contiki ECM Suite. The person will have both the role of Team lead and senior developer in the team,
and will report directly to the R&D manager in Bergen.
You like working with other people, have a high focus on quality and process and want to reach your goals together with your
You have the following background

Minimum 3-5 years of higher technical education
Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience
Very good written and spoken English
Experience with managing people in teams
Good people skills and communication skills
Experience with C# .NET, ASP.NET, MS SQL
Experience with web development is an advantage
Knowledge and experience with agile processes

colleagues within an agile and competent developer environment.
Description of the role
Team lead:
Daily management of the team and delegation of tasks within the team
Responsibility for ensuring that the team works according to the Contiki development process
Act as Scrum master for the team

Senior developer:
Develop as part of the development team in Tbilisi
Deliver high quality code
Ensure development according to best practices, including unit tests, peer code reviews
We can offer:
Attractive salary
Take part in the development of an enterprise level contract management system which has been awarded "Best in class" for post-award
contract management by the Gartner analytic group
A strong and agile development environment
Help in relocation to Tbilisi

Our vision is to be the preferred and safe choice for ambitious businesses whose success and performance highly depend on effective management
of contracts.
Send your CV to resume@biruza.com, don't forget specify Skype and phone number

Компания: Biruza Software
Контактное лицо: Alexey A.S.
Телефон: 0509699406
Написать сообщение
Web: www.biruza.com
Вакансии Biruza Software (25)

Полтава: Компьютерные технологии, IT | #2269986 Вакансии в Полтаве
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